TC40 Dwarf Fourleaf Clover Marsilea hirsuta T/C CUP

TC40 Dwarf Fourleaf Clover Marsilea hirsuta T/C CUP


Under water, Marsilea hirsuta it usually reverts to a single, small, spoon-shaped leaf, though the occasional “four leaf clover” may pop up. This species is the best choice for the aquarist who would like to experience a “lawn” in a an aquarium without supplemental CO2 or strong lighting. While not a fast grower, it will slowly and steadily fill in, even under quite modest conditions. It also works well when planted along with a higher light option in areas where you would like the ground cover to extend back into shadowy areas of the tank.

Place your order by 6 pm EST Sunday and it will arrive the same week by Friday.

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